In this rapid and stressful digital world, psychiatry is becoming an increasingly influential medical specialty that specializes in the whole-person assessment, treatment and prevention of a variety of emotional, cognitive, behavioral and functional physical disorders.
Symptoms of these diseases include insomnia, frequent anxiety, panic attacks, depression, alcohol and drug addiction, anorexia, binge-eating disorder, concentration disorders, rage, pathological gambling, compulsive shopping, premenstrual dysphoria, chronic pain, depression, hallucinations and persecutory delusion, dementia, functional physical discomfort, etc. These disorders are prevalent across one’s lifespan and often occur together. Genetic risk factors, experiencing an unhappy childhood, having an unhealthy lifestyle, suffering from chronic diseases, and encountering stress due to work, finance, health and family relationships will particularly increase the risk of developing such diseases.
Doctors use human neuroplasticity to provide multimodal and personalized solutions to patients’ problems, which may include individual or multiple complementary items of the following: psychotherapy, drug therapy, breathing slowly, outdoor walking, diet therapy, and other effective long term health strategy effective in coping with stress.